For this cake, I used two 8" cakes (for height purposes) and layered, iced and decorated them with chocolate ganache. I then topped the cake with non-dairy whipping cream and drew Pooh's picture with chocolate buttercream. Later, I filled in the picture with colored piping jelly.
Sounds easy eh?! NOT!!! I started at 10 am and only managed to finish it close to 2 pm. Can you believe that there was a power cut in between! That almost got me into a panic attack! Luckily I've just finished beating my whipped cream and I had baked the cake the night before. Kalau tak... pengsan!!!
Now, looking at the pictures, I'm proud of my work. Yes, it was tiring and irritatingly tricky, but, I enjoyed every second of doing it.
To order this cake with any cartoon characters on it, it will be RM 35 per kg (this cake was 2 kg). And please, an early notice would be very much appreciated!
WOW..cantiksnyaa.. :D itu piping jelly buat sendiri ke instant? ;)
thanx liza! *tersipu-sipu malu*.. heheheh... piping jelly tu beli dah siap kat bagus. tak yah susah2 buat sendiri. add color and tenyeh kat gambar pooh tu. tak pakai banyak pun.
this really looks shop bought! amazing for a first time effort! :)
thanx a lot flowerinthedesert! that's the best compliment ever! to be compared to that of a shop is simply exhilarating :)
Kak, cantik gila ok..lepas ni bleh la ambik tempahan gambar2 cartoon kan?
tima kasih banyak2 amy! InsyaAllah boleh... tapi bagi advance notice ye. jgn besok b'day baru hari nak order. pengsan...
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